PTPN CompDirect

PTPN CompDirect uncovers the secrets of Physical Medicine costs.
Have you noticed that Physical Medicine Rebilling Vendors don’t provide details when they bill payers?
Rebilling Vendor Secrets
For almost every other medical provider in workers’ comp, the servicing provider is the entity that bills the payer directly, detailing the services provided and using a unique Tax Identification Number (TIN), and the payer pays the provider directly.
However, the Physical Medicine Rebilling Vendors that have dominated the marketplace in recent years are in the practice of rebilling using their own TINs.
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This model allows the Rebilling Vendor to mask how much of the payer’s dollar is going toward medical care, how much the Vendor is keeping for “overhead” or “management” services, and how much is going who knows where else.
Rebilling Vendors typically keep a large portion of the payer’s dollar, paying providers at deep discounts far below standard market rates. This means the best providers often won’t participate with these vendors, so their Physical Medicine provider networks are not likely to include the top providers in some communities.
Another secret: Some Rebilling Vendors have told providers that they will receive more patient referrals if they accept a lower reimbursement level – in other words, patients are referred based on increasing the Rebilling Vendor's profit margin!

PTPN CompDirect
​PTPN CompDirect is changing the industry, by connecting payers and providers directly and bringing transparency to Physical Medicine:
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Payers pay the Physical Medicine provider directly – there’s no middleman billing the payer and paying only a fraction of the payment to the provider, which slows down payment, frustrates providers, and jeopardizes the quality of your network and of your injured workers’ experience – all of which interfere with return to work.
PTPN CompDirect pricing for payers is below the typical rates charged by large Physical Medicine Vendors, while giving you a comprehensive range of services including appointment setting, utilization management and network management services.
Because the cost for PTPN CompDirect’s services is significantly less than the Rebilling Vendors and completely transparent, we are able to attract top-tier providers who find PTPN CompDirect a better alternative, while reducing your Physical Medicine costs.
PTPN CompDirect refers your injured workers to providers not based on the lowest possible per-visit reimbursement, but instead based on our proprietary clinical outcomes program, the provider's specialty and qualifications, and patient needs and preferences.